In 2007, the seeds of a remarkable journey were sown as a young visionary named Lucy Quartermaine embarked on a mission to bring her jewellery design dreams to fruition. With a deep-seated admiration for her grandmother's craftsmanship and a passion ignited from her youth, Lucy's journey began with a single piece of silver jewellery crafted at the tender age of 16. This early experience ignited her creative spark and set her on a path towards becoming one of the most renowned contemporary jewellery designers of our time.
Having discovered her passion for jewellery at a young age, Lucy pursued her artistic calling with unwavering dedication. She honed her skills and knowledge by obtaining a BA Hons in Jewellery and Metalwork Design from Sheffield Hallam University in 2003. This rigorous three-year course provided her with a solid foundation in design principles and metalwork techniques, laying the groundwork for her future success in the industry.
Today, Lucy Quartermaine stands as an award-winning English jewellery designer and silversmith, celebrated for her innovative designs and impeccable craftsmanship. Her creations have graced the adornments of numerous A-list British and American celebrities and have been featured prominently in prestigious fashion publications such as Red, Vogue, Look, and Cosmopolitan, among others. The widespread acclaim for her work is a testament to her unparalleled talent and the timeless allure of her designs.
Headquartered in her hometown of Chester, Lucy Quartermaine operates from her office and boutique nestled in the heart of the city. This vibrant setting serves as both a creative sanctuary for Lucy and a destination for admirers of her work. In 2019, Lucy's dream of establishing a collaborative creative hub became a reality with the relocation of her studio to The Old Coach House, where she joined forces with five other like-minded businesses to cultivate a thriving creative community.
At the core of Lucy Quartermaine's design philosophy lies a profound reverence for nature and the fluid elements in motion. Her stunning creations, crafted predominantly in sterling silver, are inspired by the organic shapes and movements found in the natural world, as well as the myriad experiences that colour her life. Each piece bears the hallmark of Lucy's distinctive style, characterized by fluid lines, dynamic forms, and an inherent sense of elegance.
For retailers seeking to showcase Lucy Quartermaine's award-winning designs, the brand offers exclusive opportunities to become stockists. By visiting the trade page on the Lucy Quartermaine website, retailers can explore the diverse range of collections and discover how to become a part of the brand's esteemed network of partners.
In summary, Lucy Quartermaine's journey from a young enthusiast to an esteemed designer is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and creativity. With a commitment to excellence and a deep-rooted appreciation for the beauty of the natural world, Lucy Quartermaine continues to captivate hearts and minds with her timeless designs, leaving an indelible mark on the world of contemporary jewellery.